My Triggers


Personally my triggers in watching porn are the following:
1) YouTube, okay youtube is like a porn site nowadays where you can find images of lust and nudity.
2) Being alone at home, okay being alone gives me an idea to watch because of boredom and freedom that nobody might see you watching it.
3) Sexy girls around town, okay whenever I see a girl in public with a short shorts or tight jeans I cannot stop the urge that I feel and put that urge away by watching porn. I guess I am just a horny man but I try not to look at them but my peripheral vision cannot ignore them. Haha, I guess  I am hopeless.
4) The fact that I never had a girlfriend since birth give me some reason to watch porn, so that it will lessen my loneliness of not having a girlfriend, and it is less expensive than to have a gf, jk!
5) Being lazy instead of doing something productive I used my hours in watching porn.
6) Having low minded friends around saying porn is not bad.

I guess that's it!

How about some of the members in this forum, what are you're triggers do you have the same triggers that I  have?