I'm on day 4 of no porn



Hello, My name is Stone. I am 29 years old and Ive been addicted to porn since i was a kid... smh Iv been trying to quite for 3 years now... but i keep having relapses. I'm starting my reboot over... currently I am on day 4... I am so determined to get over this... Everything everyone is saying... I have experienced the same thing. I've never joined a group before for addicts. To be honest this helping, so please give me advice on how to keep with it and thanks so much for everyones encouraging comments. Tonight i want to watch porn but I am not!!!!! Porn has ruined my life and i need help.. so I am here.. My goal is to hit 90 days .. the longest time ive done without porn has been 60 days. My addiction is so bad, like... i wills tay up for hours watching it and feeling dirty but so alone. then i would fall asleep and then wake back up and watch it again smh I'm single.. no wife, no kids thank God.
finding reboot nation has really really helped so far.. IM willing to go through hell just to get to heaven. 
This pretty muh sums up my life... cant wait to chat with all of you :)