Deep Breath


New Member
I've done these forums before and it's time to return. I went into a mode of porn acceptance because I got tired of fighting it. I just tried to moderate it which worked for a time. But my anxiety has started surface again and I think this acceptance of porn is part of the reason. I let myself down again today and don't want to again.


New Member
Yesterday I had some anxiety and I know today will be a bit of a challenge. But, I am hopeful for this day and will remember there is great joy to be had in every day.


Good luck. Keep yourself focussed. This is an addiction so fight it every day. It will be a real struggle but is worth it. The only way to rewire your brain to stop wanting porn is to stop using it completely. I wouldn't suggest moderating your use - there's a good video by Gabe on here explaining why - as your brain ends up needing more or new stuff to have the same effect.
Good luck to you. There is so much more to life than staring at porn. I have found that stopping using it has made me appreciate even the really small things - from drinking coffee in Starbucks without a brain fog, to waking in the morning with some energy as I had some proper sleep