How did rebooting affect your dreams?

Hey guys,

I remember hearing on the Your Brain on Porn that a common symptom that rebooters experience is their dreams become more vivid. I always thought this was a bit strange until after 3 weeks or so of rebooting and last night I had really bizarre crazy dreams. Not nightmares (they weren't scary) just very vivid and strange. I think I was driving on Rainbow Road from Mario Kart for a part of it. Has anyone else had their dreams affected by rebooting?

Gabe Deem

Staff member
Hey cakecrocodileshrimp,

Has anyone else had their dreams affected by rebooting?

Yes. Many rebooters do report changes in dreams, and even having porn dreams for a while, especially early on. I made a YouTube vid covering some of this and other sleep related things here:

Hope that helps. Much love


Active Member
I have intense dreams a few weeks in, vivid, lucid, nightmares even.

I've had a few porn dreams where I fully relapsed, I wake up terrified that i have relapsed only to then realise it was a dream.

Years ago on a 3 month hard mode run I dreamt I was a soldier in combat, it felt so real i woke up covered in sweat.

Also I get sleep paralysis, even when using porn but more frequently when rebooting/attempting to reboot. for those unaware of this phenomenon it can be different for everyone, for me i wake up in my bed, in first person - and feel like I'm awake, then I try to move - I cant - paralysed. Then I get an overwhelming sense of doom, like there is an "evil" presence or something in the room with me, I never see or hear anything - it's just the most pure form of fear imaginable - then I wake up. I've even had this happen multiple times, as in I think I've woken up and then it happens again and I'm still dreaming!!

Some people get it much worse to where they actually see something etc - there's a doco called the nightmare that covers sleep paralysis, its crazy how powerful the mind is.


I definitely used to have dreams where I watched porn, I woke up right after and said "Fuck, I relapsed!" It took me like a minute to realize. The problem actually was that it got me crazy urges, one night I was a second away from starting to edge on autopilot. This shit is no joke.