4 months porn free and I still have brain fog. Lf help.


New Member
I?ve been addicted to porn on and off from when I was 10 yrs old to when I was 24. Currently, I?m 25 and in a much better place. 4 months since last relapse and very little desire to watch porn. During this time I?ve masturbated 3-4 times without porn.

My problem is, even after all this time porn free, I still have a large amount of brain fog. It used to be it would take 6-7 weeks for it to go away but now it?s been 4 months and I?m still suffering from it. I eat healthy, exercise, sleep enough, limit sugar etc. so that?s not the cause. This is the after effects of porn.

Is this normal? How long does it take for brain fog to go away? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.


Hi there,

Have you tried regular meditation? I was in the same place,  I thought I was doing everything, healthy diet, exercising, and reading at night but I still felt tired. I would highly recommend a book called "Stress Less Accomplish more" even better if you can get the Audiobook. It might help you find some answers while giving you a simple but powerful tool.


Well-Known Member
Long after quitting, I'd get those foggy moments again, though never quite as bad as the porn induced ones.  Usually I'd find that I was zoning out to something (usually on the internet, but not always) in a similar way that I used to zone out with porn.  YouTube is the big offender for me.  Social media likely is for many.

I have a theory that our personalities have different addictive gateways - some like stimulants and thrill, some like risk, some like a big high, some like things that sort of shut us down, putting the interior monologue on mute for a while.  I'm in the latter camp, so while porn was my addiction par excellence, I'm always at risk to fall into habits of things that make me zone out.  I have no idea if any of that would apply in your case, but it could be worth considering.