Media vs Porn Industry

Why is there not more being written and reported by mainstream media about how destructive and dangerous porn is to people, especially as it is entering younger generations lives earlier and earlier? Is the porn industry too powerful?  Is the world embarrassed?  It's a disease and the average person lucky enough to be normal and un-unaddicted  seems unaware of the threat porn poses to humanity. Why is this topic not more public?  Porn totally wasted my brain, my libido, my erection, and most importantly, porn stood my marriage on its head and kicked me in the teeth!
I'm 63 years old, why didn't I hear until 15 or 20 years too late???????????


I think as time goes on more and more reports about the dangers and addictiveness of pornography will be done as more people come out and discuss there struggles with it. Remember though, pornography is a multi billion dollar industry. There's a lot of people and companies that will go to great lengths to make sure it stays that way.


I think the simpler explanation is that it took a long time to get the necessary data. The whole thing is still not completely understood. Anyone can make any kind of claim, but there is not a very good chance of a respected news source putting that claim out there without some kind of actual data to support it.

That said, it does seem to be getting out there. There is a clip over on ybop of a segment on the Dr. Oz show about the issue


Active Member
People love their porn!  How would you have taken it if I had told you 10 years ago that it was a threat to humanity?  Scientists and researchers have been saying it since the first studies came out in the 80's.  Porn is so detrimental that it is no longer ethical to do studies on it using control groups.  I always thought to be anti-porn was to be a prude but nothing could be further from the truth. 

My take on it is that porn is a $300 billion a year industry.  EVERY SINGLE business and many government structures profit heavily from porn.  Taxes, credit card company revenue, cable companies, internet providers etc.  no one wants to see porn go away.  There is way too much profit in it.  Kind of like the oil and gas business or the way the cigarette companies profited.  They want you to stay hooked.  They don't care about you, your family, your children.  Ever wonder why the FCC standards and policies keep getting more and more lax?  Why no one cares about the violence being depicted in the films? Why there are so many reports about "Porn stars" loving their lifestyles and showing how glamorous it is?  It's all smoke and mirrors to keep you watching.  If porn disappeared tomorrow so many big businesses would lose millions.  The more you watch the more they can control you.  You stop contributing to society, you stop standing up for the atrocities in society, you stay asleep and the governments want you that way. 