Interesting Talks About Addiction


Active Member
Hello All,

Here are two talks that I came across when looking into addiction and how it and addicts are perceived.

The first Ted Talk 'Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong. Johanh Hari.' is all about general ways to understand why people are addicted. See below for one of the discussion points.

Heroine was widely used during the vietnam war.  There was great concern that there would be a nationwide epidemic when the vets returned home but the greater majority just blended back into society.

The classic addiction study was putting one rat in a cage.  In one bottle there was water and cocaine, in the other bottle was just water.  The rat finished the cocaine off and left the one that was just water.  This was seen as the test to determine is something was addictive or not.  Recently the study was done again but differently.   

In the cage was placed numerous rats, runs, food, toys, games.    The water bottle and water/cocaine bottles were used again but the rats barely touched the cocaine.  This was seen to be because they were social and able to occupy themselves with eating, playing, having sex excetera.


The second one just goes deeper and is also really interesting with a discussion between Naomi Klein and Johann Hari.

I hope you enjoy these, please let me know.


Gabe Deem

Staff member
There are several problems with the statements made in this talk. Read this critique of it here:

In short, not all addicts lack connection.


Active Member
Thank you Gabe, it is amazing having access to such a piece of writing and has certainly made me rethink completely on the subject and I will have to remember this every time I blindly believe something.

I am at Uni about to study addiction so will use this in class.

The Ted Talk certainly gave me a positive spin on addiction which I was caught up in.

Thank you, appreciated.
