Update/ Some sucess

So last night for the first time in a long time my wife and I had great sex.  I won't go in to details,but I am so thankful to the nofap community. Yes it does work. My problem was I couldn't even get an erection, not even with porn. That didn't stop me from fapping with a flaccid penis. I needed the high. So I gave up fapping and porn in January. Results were slow. Getting hard and having sex for 3 seconds, then 10 seconds, then a minute was slow, but worth it. So last night we finally had sex like we used too. We didn't make love, we fucked. The damn that was caused by embarrassment and disappointment burst. So yes this works. I also read the Orgasmic Male and it helped a lot as well. Thats all for now. Cheers and good luck on your journey.

misc person 86

Active Member
wise, congratulations. U gotta tell me, are your erections consistent and how often are you having sex? If u don't mind me asking.

Well done for sticking it out!
the annoying part is it comes and goes. The silver lining is it has gone from 0% to about 70% of the time. I try to just laugh it off but its hard.