New to the site


I found this site the other day after an internet search for the problems I've been having. I read through some of the posts here before joining and they all seem very familiar.  I haven't picked up on all the terms and abbreviations but I'll try.  I started masturbating around 14-15 and I'm now 31.  I've tried to quit many times and the longest I went was about 3 months.  I've been married nearly 6 years and the ED problems started to surface about a year or so ago.  My wife doesn't have near as high of a sex drive as I do and at one point she said there are times she wished I would just do it myself.  That, unfortunately is when I started masturbating more steadily again and it was after that the ED problems started.  I'm hoping that staying away from porn completely will eventually reverse these problems.  If anyone has any tips or ideas I'm all ears, this miserable addiction has wasted too much of my life and I'm tired of it.  Thank you in advance!


good luck mate, i'm new here myself and am learning the ropes so I don't have any advice to offer but wish you the best.


Well-Known Member
To find out if you have ED issues or PIED issues, the simple test is to try and masturbate without porn, then try to masturbate with porn.  If you are unable to get a boner without porn, but with porn you can get a boner, then you have PIED.  (obviously don't masturbate to completion, this is only a test)

If you have ED, then the problem is with the blood flow of your body.

Like most of us, we have PIED, which is porn induced erectile dysfunction.  This is a PROBLEM WITH THE BRAIN, not blood flow.  That is why viagra sometimes does not work with people with PIED.  Viagra helps the blood flow, the issue we're all having is that our brain isn't sending those "sex pulses" down to our penis telling it to fill with blood when we are with our wife's/girlfriends.  But it does send those pulses when we look at porn.

Porn has messed with our minds big time.  The best thing you can do for your life, and your relationship is to quit porn.  Turning your wife on is an art, you need to find out what she needs to feel comfortable.  Some women need a clean house, some women need that occasional surprise homemade dinner with candles, other want flowers brought to where they work, etc.... Foreplay is everything and it's not always sexual in nature.  Porn has corrupted our minds into thinking obviously all girls just want dicks shoved into their face to turn them on... Right?!  lol, no.

Have you told your wife about this problem? I think you should.  Bring her to and both of you read up.  Knowledge is power.


Well-Known Member
Learn everything you can, buddy. Start here: