It worked :D ED gone


Can't find my prior topic but I've done this for a month now and...
Seriously guys.
I can't believe this.
I feel like my ED is gone.

I just completely eliminated my porn.
I have been thinking of real girls alot and I've been talking to them alot.
I've M:ed like two times, why? Because I had too :O

After one week without PMO I was kissing this girl for hours and didn't go further. I got the biggest blue balls ever.. It hurt so bad lol :eek:
When I did the M I had 0 thoughts of porn. Only this real girl I was kissing before.
I honestly think you can M every once in a while, try to avoid it as much as possible though.
But it so hard for your body to adapt in the beginning, so no wonder you get blue balls!

Now?? Blue balls = Gone.

Last night I was just talking to this girl on text.
It turned into dirty texts and she wanted to F pretty much.
When she asked: "What's your shoe size? ;)"
My D went from a worm to King Arthurs Sword in a second.

Anyways, I just came back to tell you guys...
Eliminate porn for god's sake. You don't need that shit!
And think of REAL babes ;) And talk to them. Do stuff with them.
Your buddy that you havn't seen down there for a while will be back from his vacation before you know it.


Dude, that's awesome. Psyched for you?enjoy that girl! There's one I'm talking to right now and I can't wait to make my sex life completely revolve around her. Thanks for motivating me to keep swimming.


Well-Known Member
Hey congratulations dude.
Well, I'm doing the challenge mainly for the opposite problem (can get an erection for hours during intercourses but can't O) but your testimony proves again that it directly influences how our little buddy behaves. Good luck for your next steps.
Congrats Akainu! Every time I hear that song that says "ain't nothing like the real thing baby" I think of how that's soo true, lol. I am glad that you are enjoying the rewards of your reboot. I definitely am working on talking to girls in person more too.


I hope you guys are on your way to get fully rebooted too!

I have an update for y'all!

I wrote that "I think my ED" is gone because I didn't know if I could get hard again after an O.

But it turns out that I had sex two times and I exploded (O) two times too ofc. haha.
And today I got morning wood.
So I'm guessing  the ED is almost completely done.

I mean, I've been doing this for one month? I can't even imagine after more months without porn.
Keep it up guys!
Eliminate that porn!


Well-Known Member
How long have you guys watched porn and masturbated for? When i say how long i mean years since you started, how many times per day and also how long do you watch the porn for. I have been doing porn + m for like 3-4 years, i still get morning erections but cannot get a erection without thinking about something. Apparently you should be able to achieve an erection just form rubbing. Also my morning wood is softer then before.


Ever since I was 12 haha. Just eliminate porn. Start working out (you'll feel better about yourself).

Honestly, if you start working out again, you'll think of that everyday instead of (Not M:ing)

And you'll feel more fit to F too haha. Sorry for the dirty language, but doesn't it make sense?

You are so much less dependant on porn.

You work out (another thing to keep in progress) to look good for real girls. To be able to satisfy real girls. To feel good about yourselves.
Everything you did when u were a young teen you know, back when your erections were good.
Thanks for sharing such an encouraging and entertaining progress report!

I wish I was in my 20s again. But getting the PMO routine out of my life has made me feel younger... particularly when I wake up with enough wood to build a cabin. I thought that was gone forever, now it's almost a daily event.

Have fun. Stay safe.


Exactly! Even though I'm 22, I litterally feel young. I'm working out everyday, talking to new girls everyday. There is not even time fot porn.
Make yourselves busy guys!

I again want to say that I think its ok to do the M sometimes! BUT!!! Try to only do it when you are really horny and NOT to porn. I also think its very dangerous if you sit home, bored or stressed and feels like doing the M, ONLY to achieve that O feeling in your brain n body. I seriously think this is almost like drugs, even if it sounds weird. So if you gonna M, ask yourself is it because you truly are horny or does your brain tell u to do it only for the O feeling?

This is the chance to change your life.
Imagine the turnaround if you
*Eliminate Porn
*Quit Daily MO
*Quit smoking
* Start eating healthy
* Start working out

You would feel so much better about yourself! So much younger. Your sex life will be back inn no time.
Also, a tip if you want to get your work out. Routine back.
Dont think of buying a membership at the gym. Because you will never go there anyway.
There are plenty of crazy workout routines you can do at home, with or without equipment that will blast away your fat. Then eventually when you will see results and get more motivation (becausd when you start working out and see them abs showing, YOU SIMPLY CANT STOP!!!!
Be a REAL man and take control of your life right now!!!



Update: Skipped porn for a month now. I can have sex anytime I want.
I can M anytime I want, thinking of real girls though.
I can even O two times during one day.

It's still not as perfect as when I was like 14 though, when I could M like... 8 times a day if I really wanted to haha.

Not that I want to do that today.

If I don't O for like 2 days, my friend down there will be hard as steel ifv I get sexually aroused.

And this is by ELIMINATING porn for only 1 month, during which I have M and had sex, because I could get erections after like 1 week without porn.
Remember, i've been watching porn like everyday since I was 12

What I've done in summary
  • *Eliminated porn completely
    *Hanging out with real babes alot, thinking about them, kissing them, having sex ect.
    * Started to work out again
    * Eating/living a healthier life

Results after one month in summary
  • * Super hard erections
    * The ability to maintain these erections, and getting them even after I have an O once.
    *Generally happier and not so lazy
    *More ripped body
    *Healthier lifestyle

Hope this helped! Eliminate that porn guys! Get your life together. Good luck.

Lilliput Haunt

Good work my man, you're an inspiration for all of us here.

I think you're right on the money with a lot of what you're laying down.

Working out / eating right. Not only do you feel physically better in every moment of moment of the day, but your self-confidence goes up too, which is important for getting rid of any stage fright you might have with the ladies. Not to mention, it's good for the ol' thundersword up and running when it needs to be there ;)

Quitting smoking. Kind of a no-brainer, but I smoked for years. Gave it up not too long ago. It was easier for me to quit smoking than it was for me to quit PMO if that says anything!

Real girls, real sex. I think this is just as important part of the equation as getting off the PMO. You have to acclimate your brain to a new type of pleasure, and basically subconsciously tell it, "Hey man, THIS is what's gonna get you off from now on!" Getting off PMO will take you right to the doorstep, but at the end of the day, you gotta step through the doorway yourself  8)

Congrats again, keep it up now and forever, and you've basically won at life.


Thanks man!

How is it going for you?

I think one of my biggest issues was that I usually did the M, not because I was horny,
Only to achieve that O feeling, Only to feel relaxed. And that's crazy now when I think about it.

And on top of that I did it while watching porn.

Now, afterwards when I reflect upon this, no wonder my brain got confused. Doing this for like 10 years? Wow.
Thank god that the tide has turned only after one month.
I wonder how it will be after years and years without porn and the urge to M just because Im stressed.
Everything feels so much better, and as you stated above, it really feels like I won at life.
Good luck boys!


Important update!

So I've been saying that my ED is gone, which I hope is true and it feels like it.

I've been eliminating porn. But I have been doing the MO and I've had sex during this time.

With that being said, my real test is if I can actually MO and still have sex.

Or do I need longer time for my battery to charge?

So tomorrow I've been invited to this cute girl's house. I've been MO in the shower two days in a row.
Ive been without P more than a month.

So if tomorrow works. I'm not expecting sex or anything. But if I can get it hard by just hanging out with her on a 1on1 situation.
That would prove alot to me. I might not call it an officially complete ED gone cause in my eyes that would be a "perfect week" if you know what I mean, which I havn't tried yet.




So now we are in August. Soon done with 2 months without porn. I've done the M and O and sex but no porn during all this time.

Results today: From not being able to maintain an erection to very strong boner today. Morning wood back. Yesterday, to my surprise, because I havn't seen this on myself since I was like 16.
The boner was so hard that the D wasn't standing straight when I was standing up, but it was an upwards decline on it. :D Aw yeah!

So this is 2 months without porn only. Been with girls, and thought of them while M. But only real girls ofc, that I know.