No urges to M or to watch P. My libido is dead. BUT I haven't started Nofap yet.

Hi, I read about "flatlines" where it seems that people experience a zero libido, no urges to Masturbate or to watch Porn.

However, flatlines appear after someone has already started Nofap.

In my case, I'm still PMOing out of habit and haven't started nofap yet but I've been experiencing zero libido and zero urges to M for 24 months now. It's like my sex drive (towards real women but also towards Porn) has been turned off.

Can it be because of too much PMO?

Thanks for your help

Relentless Observer

Active Member
I think so.
    I essentially got to the point over two year where even with constant novel porn I had an increasingly diminished response such that I basically didn't even get erect at all to porn.  It has been quite a while now since I gave up porn, and I still largely feel like this.  However, a few weeks after giving up porn I went into greater "flatline."  I retained a feeling of compulsive need to masturbate most of the time through this and recently committed to abstaining from masturbation as well.  Again, I felt like i dipped into a deeper flatline after foregoing this as well.
    I agree with a lot of comments on here that the flatlines after giving up PMO are a sign of healing... or at least of having hurt us in a sense that requires time to mend.
Good luck.  I dont' have all the answers and am still struggling, but i highly recommend giving up PMO altogether.  I clung to MO for a long time after no P and this perhaps has been prolonging my recovery.
**it is amazing to feel free from the draw of porn.  If nothing else, I have this.

Relentless Observer

Active Member
    There are some accounts that are similar to mine/ours who end up being successful.  Usually through long periods of noPMO, but sometimes from mixing in "rewiring" with a female as well.  Our histories seem to make us more likely to have a really long reboot, but again, there are accounts of recovery even from really long periods.  Who knows, maybe 90 days noPMO will be enough for you to recover, but I suspect it will take longer to feel really recovered.
    Commit yourself to no porn, realizing that porn got you here.  You can break the addiction/compulsory use.  You can get over any and all porn use.  Beyond that, I suggest reading a lot of accounts here and on and you can decide for yourself if you want to abstain from MO as well and if you want to introduce "rewiring" with someone now.