30yearsgone Journal

My story begins as a grade school kid searching the hallways of the men's dorm after college was out for the year.  The students had moved out, and the cleaning crews had begun their mission of cleaning for the next year.  A friend turned me onto it.  We would roam all the dorm buildings in search of what we knew we would find.  Playboy, Penthouse, and who know what else, swept up in the corners of the hallways.  It was an exciting treasure hunt, and we always scored.  I'm not sure how old I was, but I had already confused the meaning of scoring.  I have been confused for 30+ years.  In my early years, I was very infatuated with women.  I enjoyed just thinking of them.  I loved big meetings at school where we were all gathered together.  I could position myself to get a better view of the girl I liked.  When she looked back at me, because she felt the same way, it was an unbelievably good feeling.  It made church and other get togethers tolerable because you both knew that the other would be there.  This is the dopaminergic system in action as intended by nature.  Then in my early high school years, I got my hands on VHS porn flicks.  These videos and my stored up Penthouse rags somehow hijacked my dopamine.  I was still infatuated with girls and dated, but could not really form a meaningful connection.  I could always go home, lock myself in my room, and consume porn.  I even preferred this over being with her.  There was no one to disappoint or satisfy(performance anxiety).  I have always thought of myself as a loner, but I wonder.  Would things have been different with my early girlfriends if I had never seen porn?  Might I have wanted to spend more time with them and solidify those positive, nature intended, brain pathways?  I think probably yes.  As time went on, and girls left me because of my absence and my possessiveness/jealousy, I became more isolated.  It hurt when they left and I eventually just stopped trying.  I have been convinced for a long time that I have performance anxiety.  When I did try, I felt inadequate.  In college, I would travel for hours to rent porn so that I would not be recognized.  The platform was VHS at the time, and I would rent and make a copy.  I had hundreds and hundreds of videos over the years and watched them daily.  I never talked to anyone about it.  Porn had completely replaced women.  As the years have passed, I have just kept to myself.  I really am a loner type, so it may not have been as bad for me as it would be for some.  What has gotten my attention recently is two fold.  1.  The way others see me.  "Why are you always alone?  Aren't you lonely?"  I had stopped trying with women because of my performance anxiety/PIED(I think it is a combination of both).  It was better to remain mysterious than to fail with a woman.  In my view, weak and inadequate were the worst things a man could be.  I would just keep my weakness a secret and not complain.  I had my porn to satisfy me.  But then....  2.  Erectile dysfunction.  On and off now, even with porn.  Even if I begin with wood while watching porn, I lose it if I go too long.  My erections are not rock hard anymore, if I get them at all.  Morning wood is gone(unless I abstain from porn for a while).  I have tried to quit porn for 30+ years.  I can't tell you how many times I cut my VHS tapes just to mend them again with scotch tape.  I have destroyed hundreds and hundreds of DVDs just to drive an hour each way to buy more.  Now, in the digital age, you do not have to buy, and you cannot destroy because it is as close as your laptop.  A porn session for me these days can last for 8 hours or more.  I have edged to porn from dinner time, through the night, with no food or sleep, only to shower and report to work the next morning without climaxing.  You do not risk embarrassment because it is all in the privacy of your home.  For my last attempt, I was without porn or substitutes for ~ 6 weeks.  Then over the past several days, I have been on a binge.  No porn today.  My search for answers has brought me to this community.  I ran across a video on YouTube describing PIED and found the YBOP website.  I have a doctorate in the medical field, so the scientific articles and videos there have been very helpful to me.  Brain plasticity is very encouraging.  Videos about plasticity and the addictive process have given me hope that I can recover.  I wish I could get the same dopamine boost for keeping my promise as I do for breaking it and watching porn.  Is it possible to recover my younger brain that doped out with pleasure at the sight that girl across the way?  I don't think that I have ever been truly healthy, as my brain relates to sex, with the exception of my early development.  In every relationship I have ever had, porn preceded it by years.  I am joining this forum only because it is the next thing that I am trying.  Thank you to YBOP and the Reboot Nation.  I'll give this a try.



30yearsgone, thank you for sharing your story. I relate to a good deal of it. Specifically the avoiding real opportunities at relationships out of fear of PIED. It's the worst feeling. I also relate to choosing fantasies over actual connections. I am a bit of a loner as well.

Best to you in beating this thing.


Respected Member
Welcome to RN. Here you will find a supportive environment where you can learn and live without porn.

It is not without pain. There is a lot of pain. But, if you can embrace the experience, realizing that the feeling you are receiving is that of success, then you should be able to move forward. The recover isn't a straight line but if you never stop trying then you will not fail.

BTW, I use to scour the roads for the look of a magazine someone had thrown out a window of a car. Wasn't as "profitable" as dorms after a semester but it ran all year long. I got to the point where I knew the look of a thick magazine, that by chance it was one of the top two. But I also found raunchier stuff when I kept my eyes out. It started early in elementary/middle school and moved on to when I could drive. It didn't matter if I was able to purchase these magazines, to find one was a special prize.

Read, Write, and Post. All will help.



30yearsgone said:
Just watched "How to rewire desire".  Makes a lot of sense to me.  https://youtu.be/yVw6nQikLF8.

The second half of this video is great and makes so much sense. Thank you for this


Active Member

You can do it, you can beat PMO!  Your story sounds a lot like mine. It all started with me with the Playboy and those other nude women magazines and later moved to VHS/Betamax R-rated movies.  After being addicted to that stuff during high school and most of college, I was free of it for 2-3 years after a lot of hard work and prayer, and then I discovered Internet porn which slowly dragged me down the rat hole.

Your story also reminded me of the times when I would start looking at porn at 10:00 PM and then finish at 7:00 AM in the morning and then I would go to work with no sleep. And I did this many of times.  For me I have been free for 75 days, I never thought it possible. I still have a long way to go, but I like you kept focusing on the lost time, the many hours of looking at porn and the many hours of being infatuated with women.  I even spent years in the gym building large muscles and a bodybuilder like physique to impress women. In the end my PMO addiction destroyed many relationships with women. It was funny I was a likable guy who was very personable and dated a lot of women however some of the women I dated (the ones I loved) could sense there was something below the surface not right. I don't know for certain if it's the reason I am still single. However in the last 75 days I have really gotten closer to God, I realize my many flaws and only through His Grace that I can be made whole again. I can feel God healing me. Spiritually I am in the best place I have ever been in my life, I feel joy in my life even in the suffering. I don't get out of the house very often but when I do and I encounter an attractive woman I am friendly not because I want a date but because they are made in God's image and likeness. I see these women as real people and not lustful sex objects, I enjoy talking to them. I was fixated on finding a beautiful wife and getting married, I have surrendered that to God, it is in His hands whatever my future may be. For the rest of my life, my life is God's. I have finally let go, and have never been happier, even with days like today were I battled with bad anxiety after a good day yesterday. 

So in conclusion we can't focus on the 30 years we have lost but whatever time we have left on earth and how wonderful it will be without the chains of the PMO addiction.  You can do it, you can beat this addiction....



Active Member
30yearsgone said:
Not gonna give in.  Gonna head over to YBOP and watch some videos.

Keep remembering no matter how bad the urges get, the urges will pass and you will feel a sense of accomplishment for not having given in to them.  Each time you go through the process of the urges hitting you and then fighting them until they pass, the easier it gets.  You'll then find over time that it's almost second nature that you ignore the urges when they hit.

Day 12.  Strong morning wood.  Feel pretty good.  Good dreams of normal relations.  Is the natural brain trying to recover command?  Hope so.


30yearsgone said:
Day 12.  Strong morning wood.  Feel pretty good.  Good dreams of normal relations.  Is the natural brain trying to recover command?  Hope so.

I am almost amazed right now having consistent morning wood. I literally went years without getting it at all, and at least a decade and a half of i being a rare occurrence. Now it's nearly every day.
Well, after my earlier statement, I slipped today.  PMO for an hour or so.  With all this feeling good, I wanted to feel better.  Was triggered by a youtube video.  Then with the porn, there was no PIED.  I was rock hard.  Back to zero for me, but I am better in the ED department.

I am also eating better and exercising for the past month or so.  15 lb weight loss and in better cardio health.  I feel younger and may have had a testosterone boost d/t exercise.  Have any of you guys gone back to porn(as a slip I mean) because you have improved your health?  Hard to explain, but it is almost - feeling younger and healthier led me back to porn.  I don't know.