Two types of addicts - a theory


One gets addicted to porn because of excessive use for arousal reasons -
the other to escape some of life's realities.  I am definitely the later.

I speak to this as some of us may find withdrawal much more challenging because
Those "escaped realities" were never escaped from at all. They are waiting for us.

But we have no chance against them until the chemical addition of porn is addressed.
The issues then can be addressed - and since I am only 2 days into my Hard 90 -
have no idea what that will look like.  But I now know this - I have zero chance
if I remain a player porn addict.

GOD BLESS - I am a believer and a sinner



Well-Known Member
They are linked... ''excessive use for arousal reasons'' allows one to ''escape some of life's realities/difficulties.''
That spike in dopamine given off thanks to excessive arousal works as a drug keeping one feeling better when life becomes hard. I think there are those who use it as an emotional escape... ones that become sexually frustrated in some way and use porn as an outlet. And those who were just bored (could argue that's the same as the first) and used it a lot and it became a strongly embedded habit. To be honest I'm a mixture of all 3 but my main reason that started it was using it as an emotional escape.



No doubt what you say is true.  But for some of us their are underlying issues that are tough issues even for "normal" people.  Saw my father and his two brothers all die from alcoholism in their early 50's.  All three families were not only emotionally devastated but lost homes and financial security.

I blew it all off with alcohol and porn and said it is what it is.  Underneath a frightened
guy who assumed life would end the same for me.

That has lain the weeds for some 40 plus years and it never left -now it awaits for me to deal with it - hopefully with sobriety, honestly and courage. 

All I hope to gain here so can face it head on as it should have been so long ago.

GOD BLESS - I am believer and a sinner



Active Member
I do agree with you though I would say that I don't feel its quite so black and white.  We are are here trying to recover,  each with a different past that brought us here. 
I will say the vast majority of us have internal issues that got us to where we are at.  The reboot is really just scratching the surface.  It deals with the symptom and not the cause.  It seems the Porn addiction slowly erodes at our internal values,  and skews our reality.  To really become a whole person again you will need to delve deep and deal with some uncomfortable things in your own head.
Stay strong and God be with you!