Hello Everyone! I'm new here! I need help to win this battle!


New Member
Hey there!
I am in third year trying to stop with PMO, I am brazilian and here (Brazil) this practice is considered "normal", so I don't have many friends to share the challenge that is "No Fap" in my life.

I come here, because in Brazil, we don't have any foruns about this problem, so I'm glad to be here, training my noob english and share my life with you guys.

I want to come back here soon to share my victory, i wanna made this weekly.

New day, new opportunnity to begin,

See ya!


New Member
Hey man welcome, to stop this is very possiblr, in my case I stpped at the beginning because I choose other activities that I liked such as play chess or learn english, but later I scare because I didnt get erections, then I wss 10 months with that problem, but 0.00 porn, it was very traumatic for me, but now I feel really well.