Anyone do any meditation or method to completely eradicate sexual desires?

Hi guys,

Is there anyone on here who wants to completely eradicate sexual desires and sexual urges completely from their life? That is does anyone do asubha (foulness) meditation to completely eradicate sexual desire? Or have any other ways to completely get rid of sexual desires? 



Well-Known Member
I don't think there is any other way besides rebooting.

For a porn addict, the cravings for porn seem like genuine sex cravings.  But, once you reboot, you realize that your sex cravings were much milder and far more manageable than the porn cravings.  The only way to kick that is to not feed it and let it starve to death.


porn addicts have no sexual urges. i remember i was in a sex relationship once. every time i had a spontaneous erection, looked at girls on the street and got all horny.... i called my sex buddy. guess what, it kind of disappeared. i call her and i think about her coming to have sex and it became obvious to me, every time, that its not sex that my brain was after, its just the thoughts in the head, my imagination (porn). imagination in the head = porn. now i can differentiate easily between real sex and porn craving when im horny. its summer, some girls walk around with little clothes on. if im rebooting for some time, i can get all hyped up from seeing them but then i think about actually having sex with them, knowing them and shit what not... it happened many times that in those times i had that option to really have sex and go for it.... but PIED nonetheless... numbness, its just not it. no sex drive, just fake libido. sex is like 1 position, 1 girl, 1 place, 1 point of view for minutes at a time. its nothing like you imagine in your head when you get horny... dozens of different pictures coming at you all at once, changing every 10 seconds, just craziness that you are so used to...

like Done said, quit porn first. forget about getting rid of sex urges if you are struggling with PIED. its not a sex urge, its imagination (porn) in your head. try it out. that would be the best in terms of rewiring too. try to have fun with girls. there is nothing wrong with sex relationships in my opinion, as long as both parties are enjoying it and both of you can definitely enjoy it (not just sex).



DoneAtLast said:
I don't think there is any other way besides rebooting.

For a porn addict, the cravings for porn seem like genuine sex cravings.  But, once you reboot, you realize that your sex cravings were much milder and far more manageable than the porn cravings.  The only way to kick that is to not feed it and let it starve to death.


I used to think that I was a horny motherfucker because I was horny all the time but now I realize it was porn withdrawal. And I think that porn makes the majority of guys more obsessed with sex in general.


New Member
Yes, I practice daily mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes every morning including a full body scan which enables to have more awareness of my body sensations, feelings and emotions, which go along way in observing my triggers. I highly recommend it; it?s just one of the useful tools in refraining from no PMO