Need Help to create a Home PC - Porn Free Environment (Filters + Open DNS)

Hi Everyone,

No matter how hard I try I cant stop this addiction, I feel like i keep analysing this issue but not solving it.

So i have decided to create a house where its not possible for porn to be accessed by me ever, this is the only way i can stop. I just keep finding a way in. I have failed too many times now.

There is only 1 major issue with this, since i am so good with IT stuff, I can reset PCS, reset modems, and get access to the porn, I am my own worst enemy. I am an accountant but love IT stuff.

Would love to hear how you built your system (Filters like qustodio and open dns etc) that can not be cracked even by you.

Thanks Guys
I dont think the computer is the real cause. The true cause is your mind and lifestyle. If you create the pc and have access to it, subtly you are still vulnerable for relapse.
I recommend identifying trigger. For me it is being alone.

Big H

Active Member
There's no way you can avoid a computer and internet. You're gonna have to learn to deal with it.


Active Member
The above comments are true, but I find that having to work for it makes it a little easier to stay true to yourself as opposed to only having to type a couple words into the search bar. I'm not much of a tech person but I've been using Pluckeye with pretty good success. It blocks all images and videos on your browser and you can allow the pages you want. You set a timer (mine is currently 2 hours) for any allows (you can always deny a page). It also will not uninstall itself until the delay is up. This makes it so you have ample time to regain your faculties and reverse any bad decisions you were going to make. It's totally free and if you do happen to find a way around it the developer would love to know. It is inconvenient as hell, but yeah, you've got a porn addiction. Hope you didn't think recovery would be a walk in the park. Give it go and always: stay strong and carry on
We are all susceptible to temptation. Now that i can identify the triggers (sexy pics, browsing sexual related articles, touching my genital) i have to be careful. Each time i make a decision i drain my brain power, which i hate, but i need to make up for my past mistakes and there are lots of people in worse situation so i wont complain.
Good luck