

Respected Member
I have gotta say Instagram is actually a huge trigger for me. My husband seems to be pretty over it. He still sees himself as an addict and continues to participate in meeting and reading and everything. He knows that triggers can come from out of nowhere. But overall he doesn't get triggered as much as I do. Instagram is hard for me. I see so much crap on there. We only use it for our business and knowing he uses it too and he sees all the stuff on there, well I think that is the part that triggers me. I get worried, almost illogically. Like I wonder if he saw the image I just saw and if he is tempted or not. I know it is dumb but hey I gotta be honest about what is coming up for me, right? Does anyone else ever feel like this?


Active Member
Instagram is on my no go list...

To much bullshit on there to many dodgy images and frankly its not real ...

Any of those so called social media forums are just bad news...


Respected Member
Yeah, it an interesting world sometimes. I think the best thing to do is communicate. I need to just keep talking to him and working things out together.


Active Member
See my fiance used to use instagram for porn reasons, and I used to love instagram without issue mainly because I didn't know that stuff was on there and I focused on taking pics of my cat so I used it innocently. But he actually told me to uninstall it on my phone during the recovery process because I would abuse it and torture myself with those images. So yes,instagram was and is a trigger for me.

I now have instagram back on my phone and am very careful about not using it if I am having a triggering day and feeling crappy. I usually use it to post photos on our family account of our cats and the cute things they do. But he has no instagram. His account, he deleted it after I told him it had to go, and that was before I knew about everything else. His FB accoung is active, but he doesn't go on it. He really doesn't have social media, and I myself don't use social media much anymore either, so disconnecting from social media has actually been nice for us, it's made us focus on each other more.