PIED related reboot,22, NO PMO


So I am 22, started jacking off to porn since I was 14, pretty much vanilla porn till around 2 years ago and it never really escalated further,BDSM being a favorite. Never really had a lot of sexual encounters and it?s not due to the lack of attention but as did not want to pursue it,?meh too much energy?. Anyway a friend i been very interested in and I got quite hot and heavy. I was hard until it came to getting a bj then my ED kicked in not even a minute later. First time I haven?t been hard at least to 70%.i was pretty embarrassed(still am) but it started an interesting journey for me cause as you know the feeling of a girl who is all over you in front of you without being able to do anything is a very deprecating feeling. I really didn?t think this would be possible due to porn and masturbation.

I been on the PMO journey for a couple of weeks.

Three things I have set for myself

-No relapse allowed at all, It?s easy as I want a sexual experience that is worth it.
-no day counter allowed, a day counter feels like i am giving myself a counter to which after I can relapse
-NO edging or the likes

Thank you, any advice would be appreciated.
Feels weird, it feels like I am in a flatline but damn I am full of urges. Wanted to MO but PIED must be cured.
Here is to beating this.

So I have an interesting theory. PMO will cure your PIED but I will do absolutely nothing to the pelvic floor muscles you been damaging in your whole entire life. I was checking out successful threads and I noticed there is a lot who advise to do Kegel and reverse Kegels exercises.
Wanted to update

No PMO still going strong but I think I maybe starting to feel different. No urges to PMO, but no libido now, but I think it?s cause I was very busy.

Kegel exercises making me adamant that pc muscles are the cause of PIED
Hey Guys update: still going strong, a little bit of monk mode added, I had 2 wet dream so far and have been casual waking up with MW even though it?s not that strong yet.

Still doing kegels
I used to watch BDSM as well from an early age. I always thought it was kind of fucked up, I knew it was because my friends and I would sometimes talk about porn and they made it clear that BDSM was too weird. Very violent hateful stuff. I'm 72 days free now; I am extremely relieved that porn (especially the spanking bondage etc) is cut from my life. Never again.
Day 85 more tempting to touch myself and to fantasize but I been going with the "why do you want to be horny alone? ::)"route and I am still doing reverse kegels but only slightly.
I really can't post everyday but it get easier with time but it's also when it's most dangerous, caught myself fantasizing but good part about it, it brought me a 7/10 boner but lost it less than a minute after as I shifted my thoughts.
I really don't see the point of posting here anymore as people only seem to comment and encourage only after you relapse,  so I will stop posting here for at least another 3 months.
Five months later and Day:206(I won't and can't post everyday). The journey is still going strong. I have had a friend with benefits with whom I was trying to rewire with after the 90 days but ultimately it brought me more pressure and I would lose my erection, eventually discovered I could orgasm from foreplay but then the flat line afterwards was just not worth it. So we ended things and I meet a girl whom I am genuinely interested in and I really want this to work badly, she is still innocent and wants to take things slow which is perfect for me too. We will see how it goes. I really am not rushing anything sexual at this movements but to be honest the journey itself has been amazing.
Cheers, see you later ;D 8).