Third day without pornographic


Today I felt some temptation. I spend most of my time in the living room so nothing would happen. I realized that I am such a difficult person to deal with myself. I get confidence for ideas but I don't do my ideas because I feel stuck with my phone. Drawing has help me but I feel my phone calling me and once see if I can stop using it without school pressure. I can wait for Friday to come because then I get my winter break. I will not have difficulties to worry about school. By the way, now I know the reason why you shouldn't watch pornographic and is because your brain becomes confused with emotions that it hurts you.
                                                                      Sincerely Braved118
Yes, you are right, your brain becomes confused with emotions that it hurts you. If you want to stay away from porn you have to fill that urge with something else. Everything gets old after a while, even porn, especially porn. Really, it's the same old thing over and over again. I think you should start doing other things to get your attention of it so you won't have time to look at it, and eventually the addiction will go away.