TED talk


Active Member
The "feminist college freshman" impression is dead on. Sadly.

"Sex-positive feminists" are troubling. They invariably end up framing critical thought and discourse about the sex industry as ?judgement? and therefore negative. Critical thinking is a good thing. Well, it used to be. Today we drown in a sea of sjw 'feels' with very little in the way of thought to go along with it. It scares the life out of me that society at large has become a herd of brain-dead sheep. "Don?t say anything critical, don't examine, don't uncover facts, discard the inconvenient truth about anything sex industry because it?s sex and therefore everything must be unquestioned and accepted."

Real feminists would have laughed at these youngsters, and then pumped their stomachs clean of all the patriarchy koolaid they've been swilling.

Are you critical of prostitution, pornography, strip clubs, and, really, sex as defined by the industry that exploits it all for profit? Congratulations! You're "sex negative"!

Ugh. Pardon me while I adjust my skirt. My critical thought capable, logic embracing, gen x slip is showing.