Reboot with partner

Hello rebooters.

I am on my day 20. I have PIED since I was 30. I am currently in a relationship for more than a year.

-I have some questions for you. How do you deal with a reboot while being in a relationship?

-Does your partner know about the addiction?

I am worried because I feel like I am going to be abandoned all the time because of my PIED


Active Member
After attempting to do the reboot and recovery process alone, I finally told my bride what was going on.

Telling her was not easy, but was the best possible thing I could have done but I understand that telling a partner is not the right thing for everyone.

You can beat this thing and get yourself back to where you want to be. Don't lose sight of your goals.


Respected Member
As a partner I would say honesty is always the right choice. Its not always the easiest choice but really when you think about it you call them your "partner". Its not much of a "partnership" if you are withholding truth. How would you feel is he/she was holding something huge like this from you?
I wish you the very best in your recovery but again you will have better success with honesty. Porn addiction is usually fueled by shame, lies, and secrecy why would you want to continue any one of those?