
I'm 50's married. Addicted to porn and masturbation since a teen. I struggle with same sex attraction and gay porn. This long term problem has caused me to suffer with PIED. I've been Fr porn for several weeks. I don't get morning wood or random erections. It is difficult to get a decent erection even with ED drugs. I want my dick back.


Respected Member
We all want your dick back. (sorry that sounded weird...) What I mean is we all want you to get your dick back. Luckily for dickless wonders there is this whole reboot thing, which is guaran-FUCKING-teed to get your dick back (our respective dicks, that is.)
You mentioned you were already some weeks without porn and fapping? Thats great! How long is the longest youve been without porn? Any other symptoms aside from floppy-cock?
Does your partner know the reason for your flaccidity in the bedroom?


Thanks for your encouraging words. I'm still lifeless in the dick dept. best I can muster is about 50%.
I'm close to a month without jerking or porn.


Well-Known Member
It can take a long time to recover, but you will recover. My porn addiction escalated to transexual and sissy porn, and to the point of developing HOCD (homosexual compulsive disorder). If your desire for this kind of porn is porn induced, they will fade in time. I'm only 23 days into this reboot and almost all of my HOCD has gone.

The 'flatline' can be scary. It's tempting to look at porn to see if your penis is still alive, but don't do it. Try to think of the 'flatline' as your friend. It can hope you stay away from porn because you feel dead in that department. I once 'flatlined' for over 100 days, but I think most guys come back to life before then. Be patient. Don't relapse and look at porn otherwise you just throw yourself right back to day one!

Good luck!


Respected Member
in the reboot process, the flatline is your friend! as weird as that may seem. the fact that you are in a flatline and have no desire for sex or anything sexy related, means you are giving youself a much needed rest! personally, i found it refreshing not to be walking around all day being ruled by my willy! its a good break to get "getting off"  off your mind