Neurochemistry behind porn addiction


What exactly are the mechanisms behind porn addiction, how exactly are dopamine receptors involved. Thanks in advanced!


Thanks for link above.

The Limbic System: It's the part of the brain in the animal
kingdom that has the lion chase something down and eat it because
it wants the food NOW and does what it takes to get it.  It's
behind "Fight or Flight."  The limbic system wants immediate
b.    The Frontal Cortex.  It's the advanced part of the brain - more
evolved.  This is what makes us different from animals.  Most
animals do not have a developed frontal cortex.  This is the
reasoning, rational part of the brain, and it's how we think
through things and rethink the consequences.
c.    The Chemicals in the Brain. 
i.    Adrenaline.  When there is danger or adventure or anticipation
or fear, adrenaline is released.  It's a pretty intense chemical.
It causes our muscles to tense up and our heart rate to increase,
and our thinking to get laser-focused on whatever is at task. 
ii.    Seratonin.  That's what makes us feel good - the good happy
feelings that make us content or have a sense of deep satisfaction.

iii.    Dopamine.  It's the dreamy, checked out, side of the brain.
The effects of this chemical are linked to fantasy.  Hallucinogenic
drugs such as LSD and mushrooms are linked to dopamine effects.
d.    Someone addicted to pornography uses ALL THREE CHEMICALS and
thus makes it one of the hardest addictions to break.  As such, we
need to replace those chemical reactions to pornography with things
that are healthy.
i.    Activities that can replace adrenaline:  Fun, challenging,
outdoorsy activities.  Hiking in the woods can provide good
ii.    Activities that can replace seratonin:  Meditation and
relaxation are perfect.  When we get into that relaxation, it slows
the whole body down and gives us that deep relaxation we want
without all of the negative side effects or guilt or shame or
negative consequences in our life. 
iii.    Activities that can replace dopamine:  Drawing, painting, or
gardening are good options.  Writing can jumpstart creativity needs
to replace dopamine.
e.    The brain's job is to create equilibrium, or balance.  It's got
to balance the chemicals no matter what kind of environment we're
in.  When things get out of balance, when your chemicals get out of
whack, then the hypothalamus gland accesses the memory cells in our
brain in an attempt to get back into balance.  It triggers cravings
for ways that got you back in balance in the past.  For instance, a
food addict will desire to overeat in an attempt to bring those
chemicals back into balance.  Cravings don't make you a bad person
- it's just that your body has been trained to balance those
chemicals by using pornography.