Shemale Porn Addiction has me so scared.

I am legit scared about my sexuality.

Been watching Shemale porn for the past several years and has resulted in a few instances of PIED when trying to have sex with girls.

I've been so insecure since then, and am so afraid I cannot have sex with women.

I've tried multiple times. I've went on a 60 day streak, a good few 30 days streaks - however I always find myself falling right back into the trap.

I was holding strong at Day 7 and killed it today by watching shemale porn again.

Do i just need to face the reality that this is going to stick with me forever?

This category of porn is literally so fucked. I'm still a virgin and I can't even imagine sex without 2 dicks.

I know I'm attracted to women, but with shemales, it's always 2 dicks involved. I'm just so confused.
And I know for a fact i'm not gay.

Masculinity does not turn me on at all.

When I look at shemale porn, I'm always hunting for the most feminine shemale. Any hint of masculinity, turns me off.

So this is why i'm so confused. Is my sexuality just shemales now or something?

I want to love women and pussy like I once did. Please helppp
Hi there seekinglife! I can sympathize with you brother, as I too have gone through a phase like that. And just like you if a shemale was not completely feminine, a true shemale, not a man pretending to be or crossdressing, I would be turned off. Maybe it's the fact that you can really see when a shemale is aroused unlike a woman, or the sometimes taboo of anal sex. But one thing I would definitely assume is that if you were at one time aroused by a regular woman, eventually you will be again. The anxiety and worry you feel when attempting sex with a woman could certainly be the root cause of your PIED. 60 days is a great streak! But since you've been going for several years with the shemale fantasy, it may take longer for you to start removing those desires. It might be best to abstain from all dating and attempts at sex for a longer period. easier said than done I know. Continue your quest. I believe over time you will get back to having normal sexual desires with woman turn you on again. Feel free to message me if you want to chat one on one.


There is a whole page dedicated to it in YBOP it's called a porn induced fetish and if you said that in the past you used to watch more normal stuff then you're good so calm yourself but you have quite a journey though.

Good luck.

Edit: I also used to have a similar problem, some of these shemale actors or should I say actresses are looking more feminine than some of the females so I can totaly understand but my primary response when I see an attractive shemale is imaginating the dude behind her and the past, the hairy armpits the pubes, surgeries the shemale had to go through after imaginating the realness behind this illusion its hard to stay hard :) haha . but yeah you need to understand that its a dude even if it looks like a really good woman.

And after rewiring your brain I know for a fact you will forget about this fetish, its just a fetish dude its porn, don't take it too seriously do not make it too taboo, once you gain your confidence you will never look back.


Well-Known Member
If you think back to how your porn addiction escalated, you'll probably have progressed from women, to more extreme stuff and have finally arrived at transexual porn. As your brain got used to normal porn and didn't get excited by it, you had to move onto stuff that shocked you and got you excited. This is really common. This happened to me. You're not gay. Even if you were, there's no problem with being gay.

Anyway, you didn't start out watching transexual porn, so that's not where you sexual orientation is. You are still attracted to 'women', it's just that now transexual women are the ones that give your brain a dopamine hit. I'm in the same boat. If I click on some gay porn, I just don't get it. It does nothing for me. In fact, I feel repulsed by it. Men don't turn me on.

I've had varying success with this rebooting game. The last time I went several months with porn or masturbation I felt good. Then I started looking at porn again, but just really hot women. I checked out some transexuals and I just couldn't wrap my head around why I used to watch that stuff. After a couple of months, my brain got used to the hit of porn with women and I found myself watching transexual porn again, just because it was more exciting.

We need to stop watching porn and masturbating to it. Not for 6 months, but for ever.

I've failed so many times, I don't want to depress you. But just because I've failed, doesn't mean you will too. Stay strong! Stop watching porn, and stop worrying about your sexual orientation. You're not gay!