12/24/18 Braved118 without ponography


Today for some reason just hearing someone say sex, provoked me to masturbate and orgasm. Did I do it? No, because I knew no one would lose anything but me in this therapy to not masturbate or watch porn. The thing that scares me the most is that when I get married, I won't be able to look at my partner in a respectful way and not the way they want me to look at them. Now that I think about what is sex for? I don't get if is for having a nice feeling, having kids or what for?

                                                                  Sincerely Braved118


sex is a result of having fun with girls and socializing, healthy confidence and growth in terms of dealing with rejection, jealousy, lack of control etc. it promotes facing fears and it promotes great friendships. when you have sex you have relationships (not necessarily exclusive) with girls and i can say from my personal experience that i had some great ones (exclusive and non exclusive). this is especially true if you are broke, dropping out of high school, unemployed, have erectile dysfunction and in times like those only really good girls hang out and stick with you and you remember and love them for the rest of your life. there is something great about male and females dancing around in life and sex is just a result of all that (does not have to be though) but its also very very nice feeling, its fundamental way to create a family or just have children. sex is something you cant have when you are addicted to porn. when you are porn addict you can just fuck and that is only true if you are lucky one who are not yet into PIED.