Does Porn Make You Dumb?



Does porn impact the recall of information, ability to focus, problem solving ability, or mental adaptability?

After I act out I often feel like I have to actively search for my feet.  If I have several in a particular week, it can effect my productivity for the rest of the week.



Follow up question: if PMO does make you dumb, why does having sex not?



Sex and porn cause similar dopamine rises but dopamine goes down after a couple minutes during sex. With porn, you can keep changing the video to something new every couple minutes, bringing dopamine back to super high levels over and over again, as many times as you want. It's extreme overstimulation. That's why porn causes problems that sex doesn't.


Respected Member
Yep, sure does. On the spectrum of negative character points that are a direct result of porn abuse, ranging from grumpy bastard to creep-eyed freak, I'm sure dumbness is in there somewhere.
But yeah, the overstimulation and constant "seek-pleasure-reward" process involved in PMO definaltey diminishes cognitive ability to, well, the point of extreme dumbness
As an outsider I watched my boyfriend go from being able to remodel his house on his own, build a race car engine, build computers to sitting in a back room with porn a personal lubricant for days on end.  All he does now is sit in that room.  His dog's shit all over the house and there it stays.  He doesn't even bother lo feed them or let them out when they need to go because he's fixated on his screen.  His roof is caving in, his race care is deteriorating from the elements, his yard and house is full of sht and there is literal garbage everywhere.  I'm moving on.  This is sickening, but this is his life with porn.  It has saturated his life, every aspect of it.  What a waste.  But it's his everything and only he can make the changes.  How long does this all go on?  Outside of porn he watches cartoons and that's his entire life after he leaves work.  Sad existence


Very sad.  Make sure to call the authorities about those dogs.  No reason they should suffer.


It complicates the learning curve as most of learning requires patience and delayed gratification but with porn providing direct surge of dopamine the patience goes out the window so the learning becomes very frustrating