Ok, so I've been binging for the past 5 days...


Today is the fifth day straight that i've been looking at P for hours on end. I haven't watched in who knows how long (maybe a couple of months.) I've noticed that with me, I can go for a couple of months without watching or thinking about it, but then I get this insane urge and I start to binge watch for days on end. Im just really horny all the time(teen girl here), and I know this isn't helping :/
I've been looking at girl/guy(mainly female friendly, mainstream straight p tends to be too rough for my liking), girl/girl(even tho I dont like girls)...I feel insatiable and I just want to stop...I've been struggling since I was around 10, and I have no one to help me. I definitely cant go to my mother
When I watch, I feel almost like im disconnected from my family and the people I care about, as weird as it sounds...Im carrying a secret that I never want them to find out. It makes me feel immensely guilty