I need Help please, in spanish


New Member
I have some problems when i have sex with muy gf (relationed with they porn) please i need help
i saw porn for many years, and now when i have relations with my gf i can still hard, please, i try to kill myself for i have no answer
If you can get a good translation of this site in Espa?ol you can be helped greatly. Have someone who speaks both english and spanish help you translate this message or use google translate to understand what I will now tell you:

You are suffering from Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction, a common problem for men who have watched too much porn and masturbated to it. You can get healthy again only if you reboot, which is a period of time spent stopping porn and masturbation. 90 days usually.

If you cannot stop, this means you have addiction to pornography and masturbation, Again, this is not uncommon and can be healed by understanding how your brain has been conditioned by artificially hyperstimulating yourself with fake sex, which is what porn is.

If the book, Your Brain On Porn by Gary Wilson is available in spanish, get it and read it carefully. This book can help anyone understand how to reverse your erectile dysfunction and pornography addiction. This is a very important book for healing this disorder.

If you cannot get the book in Spanish, get it in english and have someone translate or help you understand it. This is very important because you do not have to suffer, you only need to acquire the right information, then all of this will make sense. Then you can heal and your erection will function well again.

good luck
Si puede obtener una buena traducci?n de este sitio en Espa?ol, puede recibir una gran ayuda. P?dale a alguien que hable ingl?s y espa?ol que lo ayude a traducir este mensaje o use google translate para entender lo que ahora le dir?:

Usted est? sufriendo de disfunci?n er?ctil inducida por pornograf?a, un problema com?n para los hombres que han visto demasiada pornograf?a y se han masturbado. Puede volver a estar saludable solo si reinicia, que es un per?odo de tiempo dedicado a detener la pornograf?a y la masturbaci?n. Por lo general 90 d?as.

Si no puedes detenerte, esto significa que tienes una adicci?n a la pornograf?a y la masturbaci?n. Nuevamente, esto no es raro y puede curarse al comprender c?mo se condicion? tu cerebro hiperteestim?ndote artificialmente con sexo falso, que es lo que es el porno.

Si el libro, Your Brain On Porn de Gary Wilson est? disponible en espa?ol, obt?ngalo y l?alo detenidamente. Este libro puede ayudar a cualquiera a entender c?mo revertir su disfunci?n er?ctil y la adicci?n a la pornograf?a. Este es un libro muy importante para curar este trastorno.

Si no puede obtener el libro en espa?ol, h?galo en ingl?s y p?dale a alguien que lo traduzca o que lo ayude a entenderlo. Esto es muy importante porque no tiene que sufrir, solo necesita adquirir la informaci?n correcta, entonces todo esto tendr? sentido. Entonces puedes sanar y tu erecci?n funcionar? bien otra vez.

buena suerte