Do Video Games Affect My Reboot Process?


I've just completed my sixth week without PMO. Feel great with almost no desires for MO.

I have a doubt. Does video games affect my reboot process? I like them a lot and easily get addicted to them when I get a game I like. Right now I would love to play a game, but I'm not convinced if I should as video games release dopamine in the same way porn does.

Any opinions about this??

Thanks a lot


Active Member
Hello Cerati,

for me video games ended up being a gateway for me into hours of P & M.

If this is true for you, then you should absolutely stay away for awhile longer.  There is a connection, I believe, between video games and P regardless.  I am also not sure that you can get the equivalent dopamine dump from playing games and you do with PMO. 

You know yourself - if there is any connection between gaming and P, stay away.

Good luck, and welcome to the nation.


Thanks for your response!

I think the best decision would be to stop playing video games. I'm 28 right now. I really enjoy playing them but feel a bit guilty when I play them because I feel like I've lost so many hours of my life in doing so.

I think the best way to reboot is making a change in your life. The body throws these kind of signals demanding a change. As you said, I know myself and I know what's good or bad for me.

Thanks for your response.




Active Member
Unless one was to get aroused by playing video games then i really don't see how it could relate to P.


Well-Known Member
I don't think so but what else do you do in your life?
If all you do when you're not earning a living is playing video games, then
I think you need to diversify your interests.


Video games will interfere with you reboot. There is clear evidence that gaming can become an addiction (not saying you are addicted) but they can cause some similar symptoms such a brain fog and depression that will make it harder for you to define later on which symptoms are caused by games and which are caused by Porn. Also, the more time you spend playing video games could be used improving yourself or gaining long lasting dopamine from other activities such as exercise.

Also, when the going gets tough, video games are an easy get out clause to distract you from your reboot. You want replacement activities which are good for you instead.

Nevertheless, its not the end of the world if you want to keep playing, i still like the odd game of fifa with friends and it didn't ruin my recovery.

Hope this helps :)