DANG IT!! I just accidentally saw a porn pic.

Arrgghhh!!!  I'm so mad!  It wasn't intentional - at all. In fact I was doing an image search on google for something to post into one of my other forums that I'd thought might help people but hadn't put 2 + 2 together in my mind BEFORE searching, scrolled down a line or two and *BAM*. Saw my first porn pic in over 5 months.  I didn't trigger & I immediately shut it down. The good news is that it didn't cause me to fall - at all. I'm just mad that I've broken the streak.  Dang it!


The aim is to not block images forever but to change the response to them and you did well.


Respected Member
Pat yourself on the back. That is success!

Its out there and we will encounter it from time to time. To stop and shut it down when it comes up is the most important part of the equation.


That is SUCCESS!


I had the same problem though my situation was slightly different. I'm on day 5 of no porn and the rationalizations have set in. As an extension of a rationalization, I had gotten triggered (to which I navigated away from that potential situation) but that trigger led me to want to google a question about sex for learning purposes. Well low and behold, porn was present. I too immediately retained my wits and shut it down. I think you need to come to the understanding that because porn is on the internet, there is a very high likelihood that you'll stumble across it from time to time. Whether you had no intention to even see something like that or are like me and have a legitimate question you want answered about the subject of sex or something related and you see it, it is bound to pop up. But like the fine gentlemen on this thread pointed out, the point isn't to shield your eyes from all porn forever lest you reset and fail. The point is to change how your mind reacts to these images and how you exercise the will to stay the course of being free of this vice. So don't beat yourself up, don't get mad, don't react. Accept that this is just a facet of the internet and just navigate away when something you don't want to see pops up on google. It is as meaningless to you as a random person's opinion on Facebook.


Well-Known Member
Mroctupus said:
The aim is to not block images forever but to change the response to them and you did well.

Nailed it.  By seeing it and not reacting by following all the other steps of your PMO routine, you're rewiring bit by bit.  Of course, I don't suggest staring at porn pictures and trying not to masturbate in order to rewire faster, that will never work, but encountering triggers is completely normal and healthy.

You'll find triggers outside of porn as well, and they can be the nastiest.  Sometimes they're purely emotional (loneliness on Sundays, seeing an ex on social media), sometimes they're ritualistic (sitting at the computer with a beer after work, for example), sometimes pornified stuff is just all over (raunchy scene in an otherwise fine TV show, video game, anime), and sometimes our triggers or fetishes get hit randomly in the weirdest ways (walk through the shoe department).