Low testosterone - is it common

The best way to boost low testosterone naturally is by doing exercise and a healthy diet. If you are serious about boosting your testosterone, start lifting heavy weights. That will help with the moods and irritability, too. Sunlight and exercise, in combination with a healthy diet of natural foods, will change everything. Some exposure to sunlight will help too.


Please make prolactin test it is most important in libido. If it is to high you will have low libido.


Yep I did it last week and it was higher than normal i wrote about this on my post. Prolactin is connected with dopamine. When you are during reboot propably your level of dopamine going down.

If level of dopamine going down level of prolactin going up. Prolactin makes you dizzy , sleepy and decreased you libido level.

I will continue my observation. Take care.


Actually, Libido is a complex approach to both your health, diet and your mind as well. Thus, ignoring one of these is not allowed.  If you really want to boot your libido and improve your sexual life be ready to do right things and not to do 'bad'. Maybe if you influence you libido it would be great.


Well-Known Member
dolle said:
Yep I did it last week and it was higher than normal i wrote about this on my post. Prolactin is connected with dopamine. When you are during reboot propably your level of dopamine going down.

If level of dopamine going down level of prolactin going up. Prolactin makes you dizzy , sleepy and decreased you libido level.

I will continue my observation. Take care.

How did you get a prolactin test?? Is it difficult?


New Member
I don't think it is common though. Testosterone levels drop with the age, the average age is 21-year-old should have a lot of it.


New Member
list of foods that boost low testosterone

  • Ginger
    Leafy green vegetables
    Fatty fish and fish oil

apart from that following this are necessary

  • losing weight, for people who are overweight
    exercising regularly
    building muscle through resistance training


yes its normal but u can boost start taking advice from nutritonist. a youtuber named fittuber has some very good advice