Day 1 - 100 Day Full Reboot

Hey Everyone,

In the past, I've posted quite a few times, many times at great length. Now, however, I just wish to keep it short and simple, mainly to the point.

Previously, I had attempted reboots and even got to about 60 days before I lapsed and relapsed again, horribly. I believe this was due not to lack of strategy but to losing focus, determination and chasing the things of this world. It's an insidious disease that's always waiting for the person to slip, which is why we must be vigilant, particularly in the beginning stages.

That's why this time I intend to change my approach and, in addition to keeping triggers like laptops, tablets, and idle time outside my home and largely occupied or to a minimum, respectively, I also intend to post on this forum more frequently/periodically not only to provide encouragement & insight to others but to maintain my personal accountability to you, the community, as well.

So that's it. I hope to and have Faith that I will be successful if I apply and discipline myself, make the good things easy and the bad things hard. And, of course, we may all achieve if we follow His way. God Bless you all!

With Love,
