Alcohol and porn addiction withdrawal


Respected Member
Hey All, first post, struggling a bit here.

I didn't realize how addicted I was to porn until I tried to quit and then the s*** hit the fan!

I have to an extent at least changed my porn behavior, I will got thru withdrawals for a week and then fap, while before I was fapping daily. This is similar to the way I quit smoking, I kept trying, go as long as I could, then start again, at least its something neway.

  Anyway, about 10-days ago, I was feeling really fed up of feeling like crap (depression/intrusive thoughts), so I quit no fap for 10-days, cold turkey absolutely no porn.

The fist 5-days were hell on earth, but the next 5-days were great, intrusive thoughts were more or less gone, confident, happy and things were looking up! Then I went out for a night on the town, I was drinking alcohol and could not get a buzz. I drank about 8 pints and I felt sober.

The next day, the intrusive thoughts, & depression were terrible, and to feel better I watched some porn and fapped.

So the next day I didnt feel to bad, but again I watched porn and fapped. So, this has been a pattern for a while now. I can quit porn for 2-weeks, feel great but post alcohol consumption I crumble and give in.

Does my brain think by drinking alcohol that I have actually watched porn? I understand that alcohol releases dopamine, serotonin etc the same as viewing porn.

Neway, ne advice appreciated!


Do you
A) cave every time you drink, or
B) go out and drink somewhat regularly, but only cave around the two week mark

If it's b, I'd say it has nothing to do with your drinking. If it did, then you would never last two weeks. If it's the first, then try cuttin out drinking, or drink only 1-2 for a couple weeks just to see how that works for you.

Assuming that it does not have anything to do with your alcohol consumption, which I believe is the more likely scenario, then it seems you have to try and change other things about your pattern of behavior. If this has happened several times, then it's like you have the ability to tell the future but don't do anything to change what's going to happen. Take charge and get yourself in a position where PMO is not possible. Do whatever you have to do to get to the next day and then do it again. And again. And again. And again. Etc.


Respected Member
I don't cave every time I drink, but it's definitely more difficult for me to fight this porn addiction while  hungover.

Thank you for the reply.
