

New Member
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to put this out there, so I feel accountable to finish this challenge. Trying to go 1 month without watching porn.
I'm 15, don't really have crazy problems but having been watching like 2-3 times a day for around 1.5-2 years.
Problem is that I want more control over my life and don't want to keep having to go back to PH everyday.
I've developed this shit habit where I have to fap right before sleeping, and I'm just pissed off that it has to happen. I always feel like sad and annoyed at myself after nutting because like I could be doing so much else. Just wanted to stop before I get like ED or some shit. Don't want the rest of my life to be fucked up.

I'll check back here daily when I feel like nutting, so comments and questions are very much welcomed :)

Goal is to survive till 4/26/20



Do check your blood pressure levels. That may be a reason you are not able to sleep which is again related to PMO. Also, all the best get out of this.