"To have meaning in your life is better than to have what you want."


New Member
Hello everybody, I am 18 (almost 19) years old and I've been masturbating and watching porn for seven years. I've tried many times to abandon it, but without success. Right now I am reading a book and found the following wise saying "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results", which changed my perspective on the whole thing. Therefore I decided to come on this forum and share with you my burden. I've never told someone about my addiction, so this would be my first time opening myself.
In the same book I discovered the sentence, that is the title of my journal. I want to live a meaningful life. I want later to have a family. Porn is a huge stone on my path to achieve those goals, that's why I need to remove it.
Last time I watched porn I experienced something new. For the first time I kinda forced my body into watching it, although I wasn't really enjoying it. I hope and pray that this time will be different and that by sharing my burden with someone else will help me change my life.

#Day 1
Throughout the day I was sad, lonely and bored, but I somehow managed not to look at it. Today also I discovered this website and decided to give it a go.