Getting comfortable with day to day


Respected Member
It has been over a year for us since D-day and the hubs has been porn free for over a year too. I am finally starting to feel comfortable with day to day. For a while, I noticed that when I started to let my guard down it would scare me. Like I would be waiting for the other shoe to drop. Now I am ok with being ok. That feels good. Any other partners out there go through that same process? What was that like for you?


Staff member
I think we all go through this.  Its almost like can I trust "normal".  Or I would thnk what if this all sneaks up on me again?  Very weird ambiguous feeling.  6 years later it still pops in every once in a wile.  But it gets better. 

Miss others popping in to comment in our section here.  But new and old commenters are always welcome!


Respected Member
Yes, I was noticing how quiet it has been, lol. Thanks, Gracie. I have been noticing what I would consider good progress for me in that I am becoming more and more comfortable with this feeling of being ok. It is nice. I feel like my husband and I are on the same team again and we are just working through our own crap but we are supporting each other. I can see that we have come a long way. Still, a ways to go but it's nice to appreciate the progress.


Active Member
It really has been quiet, but I think for about 2-3 months I've been accepting the new normal. I don't really do much in the way of worrying about whether he is using or not. I honestly can say I trust that he has no desire to use. I feel more comfortable because he found a therapist he has connected to and seems to be coming to some insights. Things are pretty normal with us, of course with occasional arguments or misunderstandings, but for the most part I think we have achieved a new normal.