Starting over


Active Member
Day 1: 27-Nov-2017
Masturbated to porn, seems like a massive mountain 1 has to climb. Not feeling bad, its a setback but whats the point of being hard on myself. 
Will keep fighting and hoping things get better.


El Goodo

Progress, not perfection, my friend. The fact that you're trying to interrupt this cycle is gonna slowly chip away at it. Glad you're here, glad you're trying.


Active Member
Thanx El, if i would have known how addictive porn really is, i never would have started.
It has been 18 years of PMO, lost so many things, wasted so many opportunities.
I totally agree. Let keep moving forward and hoping for a happier life.


Active Member
Baby steps, i can now manage to stay 3 days without a use of Porn or PMO.
My target for this quarter is MANAGE 7 DAYS WITHOUT PMO.
The Fight against self continue


Active Member
Able to manage staying clean from PMO for 5-6 days now, moving forward. Step by
ill keep going. The fight against self continue guys!


Active Member
Another week, halfway to my 7th day. A bit challenging but the effort to resist is worth it all in a longterm. The fight against this addiction cycle continue


Hey Winner,

Keep up the fight no matter what may happen. We weren't always this way, and we have the power to get back to that. Mindfulness in the moment and avoiding the normal temptations like instagram helped me in my 70 day no pmo streak.


Active Member
Hey Vawls1,
True buddy, we have to keep going no matter how many relapses.
The most important thing we have to keep in our minds is, KEEP MOVING FORWARD


Active Member
Did it yesterday, no regrets! 24 hours have passed implying Day 1 is passed. Looking forward for another successful week.
The most important thing is managing this habit instead of it managing us.
Going cold turkey does not do for me, tried a couple of time and relapsed badly.
So this 7 days targets are working for me!

Lord Byron

Active Member
Bravo on finding positives over your relapse, my friend.  All the very best for the week ahead.  Cheers!  CL.


Active Member
Hey Clown Loach,
We really have to set realistic goals buddy, one day this cycle will be in the past I hope!


Active Member
Day 2,
Not missing PMO, i think im gradually gaining control of this cycle.
I feel like trying 14 days, but will see how it feels like after Day 7


Active Member
Hasn't been easy this quarter, UPS and downs.
Will action ever inspire motivation in a addict's life?
The want to move forward is present, the will might be weak. But I will keep pressing forward.
This chains shall weaken with persistence.


Active Member
Day 9, gaining more energy and concentration!!
I will keep going until I get my freedom from PMO.
Never going to give up.
Craved normality for almost two decades of my life, tired of failing to connect with women at a human level.
I will never stop pursuing freedom!!