my question about PIED would some one tell me


Hello every one, i thank you all for reading data on this forum, which push forward my PIED recovery progress. And i appreciate Mr. Gabe Deem, for sharing his personal testimonial experience and i feel lucky as i am not walking alone for i am browsing replies for any question on my reboot progress. i am now at my 92 days today. i had experienced in ups and downs, dreams, slight morning wood, wet dreams, flat-line, all in not a consistent path. i understand all this happen in a reboot journey.
But here i have a big question that goes always around my head. In many reboot articles, and success stories i read as PIED healed  in a specific day. For instance, some one can say "MY PIED GONE AT MY 265 DAYS" OR "I HEALED FROM PIED AT MY 135 DAYS". Here under my questions :-
1. Is it possible to specify a single day? if so
2. What strange does he (reboot er), physically or emotionally, feels during that particular/ specified day ?

i apologize  if my English is broken as i am not a native speaker. i look forward for your comments, thank you in advance !!


I'm still rebooting but I think the answer is no, you don't have PIED one day then are healed the next. Progress, like you said, is non-linear. The thing that absolutely sucks about this process is that everyone is different. What one person feels on day 50 is going to be completely different from what another person feels. 92 days is fantastic, something I want to one day achieve myself. You already described that you're having some ups and morning wood. You'll probably still experience a fluctuation of ups and downs for a while longer. One day, when the thought pops into your head that you're significantly better than when you started (no more PIED), then you can say that you're healed. Keep on the right path, you are already seeing good results. Good luck