The 13 Dimensions of Sex Addiction Induced Trauma

Emerald Blue

Well-Known Member

This article, although a bit academic and jargon-y, is actually very good at describing the various facets that we as partners will experience from discovery onwards. Although it has been written about the partners of sex addicts, I agree with Paula Hall that porn addiction is a subset of sex addiction and the experience of partner trauma is very similar.

raven song

Active Member
Thank you so much for sharing this article!!!  It is so incredibly validating of my feelings and helps me to understand myself better. No, I am not crazy - just dealing with the affects of trauma.  Any human being would feel the same.

This article has been a game changer.  I shared it with my husband and he is horrified that his porn use (and the gas lighting that has gone with it) has had a profound negative emotional impact on me .  The last thing he wants to be is to be emotionally abusive - and this helps him to see the true affect of his behavior.  I know he doesn't want to be emotionally abusive - and I don't want to think of this as emotional abuse. Nonetheless the psychological affect has been very harmful to me.  Finally, I have a name for it! 