Fight with Porn


New Member
Hi All,

I am new here and would like to share my experience with Porn over here.

I was fighting with my porn addiction for a long time but I feel the more you fight the more stronger the addiction, I was desperate and one day I happen to see a Quote
"when the wind blows stand like a banyan tree  do not act on anything be still calm and quiet"  this made me a lot change I dropped the thought of fighting with porn I just did meditation when ever I  tormented bu the pornographic thoughts it worked well..  in reality the more you think about fighting with it the more you are remembering it thus make things worse so the best way let it pass on  do not act on it or fight with it and drop your religious thoughts about sin you planted on your head.. just stand still.

After reading a lot about Buddhism I learned about Mind and meditation which help me a lot.
