I guess I didn't wait long enough.


This past Friday my fiance and I decided to be intimate after well over a month of NoFap. I kept my erection the whole time but was never able to orgasm. Did I try too soon? Will I ever orgasm again? It's frustrating for both of us and it hurts my fiance to think that she doesn't do it for me.

Pete McVries

Active Member
Recovery is not gradual and you have to give yourself time and be patient.

I had PIED for the longest time and when I started rewiring I had phases of both PE and DE. After a few months of regular sex, my system now seems to be balanced again. It will all be ok eventually. If your gf knows about your problem and supports you, please tell her that it's not her fault and that it is normal not to function like a machine and ejaculate at the touch of a button.