HELP PLEASE neighboors doing their "things"

Hello I'm a 20 years old rebooter from PIED and am on hardmode for 12 days. Basically i don't P M or O and strictly shut down sexual thoughts or fantasies. I want to sexually rest for a certain amount of time to start my reboot then i can rewire. Please, if you respond do it with the less triggers possibles.

The problem is that i live in a boarding school where the sound isolation is EXTREMELY bad as i can hear my neighboors speaking.

So, everyday i hear my neighboor with his girlfriend doing their things. I try to listen to music or speak to my friends but even it is very painful as i suffered before from soft voyeurism. I cannot warn my neighboor because he is trying to make it quietly and he don't do it very late in the evening.

My question is : Does it produce dopamine in my brain and slow down the recovery process ? I fear what i do is useless if i have triggers like this keeping the brain pathways alive even if i don't M to it or try to listen.


Hi FrenchWinner

12 days hard mode - you're doing great! This is just my opinion, but I'm guessing that you are maybe over-analysing a bit. Don't think about brain pathways, dopamine, etc - think simpler - you are currently anxious and tuning in on your neighbours behaviour is upsetting you. Is there anything you can do to divert your attention from it? If it's not too late, can you go elsewhere? Can you put on some headphones and listen to relaxing music? If it's later on, can you put earplugs in? Whatever it is, you need to find something that helps you relax, feel better, and think/do other things. Make it a 'trigger' for you to actively do virtually anything but think about what is making you anxious.

Keep strong.


Well-Known Member
Rebooting or not, it is just not good to be hearing that.  If it is loud enough that some moderate music/TV can't over power it, then that's an issue.  Is there some administrator you could mention it to?


Active Member
If I were you, I would plug in some headphones and watch a movie or play a game or listen to some music. If that won't cut it, simply leave the dorm and go elsewhere. A common room in the building or maybe a coffee shop or library. Somewhere quiet where you can avoid the sounds of sex and focus on other things. If you've suffered from voyeurism in the past, these things will probably be triggers for you and over time may be enough stimulation to trigger a relapse. This is the fight of your life right now and you owe it to yourself to do whatever is necessary to avoid any triggers you find.