Time to see a doctor


Im just about 3 months  in and around 70 days.  I started off strong feeling great but since have flatlined and been in one for a while.  This flatline has been discouraging and I think its finally time I see a doctor just to confirm that this is a mental problem and nothing wrong with me physically.  Once this is conformed I think I will be even more committed to this process than I already am.  Seeing a doctor is something I have been putting off for a while and find extremely embarrassing.  I mean how ridiculous does it sound to be walking into a doctors office as a 22 year old, healthy in shape guy and tell them I have ED.


Active Member
The first time I discovered PIED and really got into rebooting (the first time around anyway), I reluctantly went to the doctor after a tough conversation with my wife (to this day she does not know PIED is the true issue). It was hard, there is no doubt about it, but I bit the bullet and put it out there with him at the tail end of my next appointment which was about another issue . I don't know what I expected, but it was fine. They are doctors, they aren't going to laugh or judge. He just asked me a few questions, prescribed me a 30 day supply of Cialis (which to date I have not needed to use though I have considered it), and that was that. I didn't get into the porn stuff with him, I just told him what had been happening with trouble getting and maintaining erections. I told him I didn't think I really had a physical ED type problem, but the few times I had a problem had given me performance anxiety which was more of an issue than anything physical. He told me that sometimes using something like Viagra or Cialis to have one or two 'successful' sexual encounters can give you the confidence boost you need to not need them again. If he had asked me about masturbation or porn or anything, I would have been 100% honest. He just didn't ask, so I didn't get into it. He also did a blood workup to see if I had low T or something like that, and the nurse that called me with my results said that everything was normal.

I am older than you, 36, but the way I really approached it was I KNEW it wasn't a physical thing with me, it was all mental and I knew it was due to my porn/PMO habits. I just wouldn't admit it to myself, but the act of going to the doctor and having to discuss it was very humbling and got me into rebooting hardcore. I ended up falling off the wagon and restarting a few times before being off for about a year and PMO'ing almost every day. Now I'm back and better than ever and two weeks clean from porn and masturbation and I'm feeling great.


New Member
Thanks all of guys for sharing all your experieces with me now not feeling alone with this issue
Another thing is that my girlfriend knows that i have problems but she does not know that is porn addicction that caused me this problems and i do not know how to tell her cause i think she maybe feels bad or mad about it
I had slept with her three times and only in one time i could achieved a full erection and eyaculated
last night was the third time and at the first moments she knew that she needed to start giving me a blowjob to get my gun up and it worked but when we shifted to start penetration i lost power and frustration took placed after a long enogh period of rest she tried again blowjob but with no full erection
So i went down to the well and made her come to satisfy her but she toll me that she wants to feel my cum inside of her
I think i have to get some help for the next time ( viagra or cialis) to make her feel good


Active Member
This sounds all too familiar. My wife and I have had several instances of me not being able to get or stay hard (usually because I had spent all day PMOing beforehand) and it killed me that she took it personally, but to this day I have not been able to admit to her the truth. I know that is terrible because I'm letting her think it is her. I hope that with this reboot, and no relapses, I can just rebuild her confidence over time and then it won't be an issue anymore. I have thought about just telling her that I MO too much so that has affected me sexually...leave the porn out of it. I think that would also make sense to her. Maybe even tell her that I get turned on and MO to pictures of her that she's sent me before.

The blowjob thing is an interesting thing to me, because it was exactly the same for me when I couldn't get/stay hard and I've heard the same from other men. She'd go down on me, I'd be maybe 7/10 and then switch to sex, and lose it rapidly. So frustrating when your body does not cooperate...but we have confused our bodies to be turned on by screens, not women.