Fantasising during reboot

Hey everyone,

I'm currently on day 222 of no porn and day 108 of no MO, so things are going really well with this reboot - except for one thing. I'm having a hard time not fantasising or keeping sexual thoughts at bay - as well as a 'counter' for days of no porn and days of no MO, I also have a counter for days of not fantasising (today is currently day 1) - does fantasising count as a relapse? I only really do it just before I fall asleep at night or just as I wake up in the morning

I understand that obviously fantasising is not ideal but how seriously should I treat it - is it more that I'm more likely to relapse with PMO if I fantasize or is the fantasising in itself a relapse? I feel like I'm being harsh on myself too - I tend to reset my 'no fantasising counter' if I fantasize for like a minute - also, is it normal to be this far in your reboot and still be fantasising alot? Basically I don't know if this is a problem or just something that can be expected from a 25yr old guy who hasn't MO'd in 108 days

It should be noted that the fantasising, while sexual in nature, is about real people and not porn and sometimes isn't even always sexual, it can be romantic things too - does this change anything?


Hey man I think fantasying is totally normal. You see some good girls. Ofc you will think about them. I would recommend it but don?t over do it. It could lead you back depends how your relationship with porn is. I?m close to a month now but I do fantasies once in a while. And also, congrats on your progress.

Pete McVries

Active Member
It's perfectly fine to fantasize now and then but don't indulge in sexual fantasies because many apprehend that it could activate the same neural pathways that P uses.


I find that sexual fantasy is healthy and that is completely separate from porn use. In fact, they don't even resemble each other. Porn is a physical material. Fantasies are not. Porn is something we use, as it is a material. Fantasies are not used in the same way at all. It's a stretch, in my opinion, to be moving fantasy to the same neuro pathways as porn use. Don't overdo fantasy, like anything, moderation is key. However, I don't think you relapsed into using porn because you entertained that a woman was attractive ect. Again, so is such a wide opinion about fantasy and where it belongs! This is my stance and is unlikely to be others stances. Good luck sorting in sorting it out for yourself.