

New Member
From a moral standpoint Ive always known its its bad for me but its like this habit that I cant make go away. I do it with out thinking. Often Ill have 2 porn sites opened up on a pc before I even realize what im doing. Its become a huge problem for me. I dont think im truly addicted seeing as how I am able to resist the urge if the situation is inconvenient and I dont go crazy if I dont watch porn every single day, but I watch it very regularly and I have skipped out on opportunities to do other things so i can stay home and binge a bit. And even when in the past I tell myself im gonna quit im back at it again in a few days.

The thing that really opened my eyes to this problem is my girlfriend. The other day we were going to have sex for the first time and I couldn't get hard enough. Ive had sex a few times before but this was  the first time where it really mattered to me. Where making her happy was my goal. It was embarrassing to say the least but she was amazing about it and didn't make me feel any worse than I already did. The next day i started research about it because I figured im a bit too young for ED and i wasn't nervous. Im desperate to figure this out and thats how I discovered PIED. I didnt even know it existed. I found this site and watched a few videos and my eyes have been opened! Now that im more educated on the subject I have realized that I have many symptoms. I dont get erections like I used to. They aren't spontaneous and I usually have to make them happen. I used to get these raging hard ons that are borderline painful unless something is done about it. That hasn't happened in ages. I also ejaculate very fast. I guess this is because over the years Ive trained myself to finish quickly.?????????????


Active Member
Take this is a learning experience... and stop porn. Big thing to do is get off all social media. Because all of the scrolling and looking at photos keeps the porn pathways active. Take a a long break from the digital world and focus on the real world. Need any advice you came to the right place.