Soft mode vs Hard mode


I'm curious if any of you have tried a soft mode reboot and a hard mode reboot and if you found any major differences or benefits between the two. Maybe some people have had success for different reasons, but the reason I want to quit PMO is to have sex with real women and not my computer screen so I thought going soft mode just made sense. I've had some success in the past, relapsed recently and I'm trying to work back to where I was and further! Thanks,

A hard mode reboot means no O whatsoever. Soft mode, to my knowledge means you allow yourself to O only by having sex with a real woman. I've heard some people MO without the P, I guess that would be soft mode too. For me personally, I am doing my reboot soft mode with sex because I want a healthy sex life and when I have trouble with my PIED, it makes me want to quit PMO more.

(p=porn, m=masturbate, o=orgasm, PIED=porn induced erectile dysfunction)



Staff member
I've seen both "hard" and "soft" mode styles of rebooting work for people - the only truly correct way to reboot is to eliminate porn for good.

Almost every success story I've read people have done a "hard" mode style of reboot, at least for an initial period. They usually do it for an arbitrary amount of time, like 60 or 90 days, and then start orgasming with a girlfriend or whatever they chose. This works for some people. Here is an example of someone who did a short initial period of "hard" mode rebooting, and then started orgasming with his girlfriend and slowly started to recover. This is one of my favorite rebooting stories.

I will say, though, that a growing majority of people seem to need to do "hard" mode style rebooting in order to completely recover. This is likely because orgasms, even with a partner/girlfriend, can still trigger some of the ol' porn pathways in the brain if they aren't broken down entirely. This is nothing to fret about, though - if you find that "soft" mode isn't working for you, keep avoiding orgasms and doing them sparingly until you are starting to feel close to recovery.

Hope this helps!
Thanks man, that story actually helps quite a bit. I'm not going to focus too much on how I get to where I want to be, just as long as I don't view porn anymore.


Staff member
ShootingBlanks said:
Thanks man, that story actually helps quite a bit. I'm not going to focus too much on how I get to where I want to be, just as long as I don't view porn anymore.

That's the golden rule and all that truly matters. You seem on the right path. :D