blocking Incognito funkction in Chrome?


Active Member
Hi all.

Well, I seem to be constantly coming up with ways to sabotage myself, however, i tend not to break any rules. I have a porn filter installed, and that is kept in place. However, I can always open the incognito tab in chrome to sidestep it. How do i block this function?

Thanks in advance


Active Member
ah, nevermind, found how to do it in my anti-porn extension :) all safe

(until my beast brain figures out how to get around this in some other clever way)


Active Member
Nah, not really. For some reason, I tend not to break a promise or a set rule, but I might go around it.

So. After I Installed a porn filter on my PC, I didn't look at porn, but sneaked with my mobile instead. Then I came up with a rule never to use the phone at home, and have been folowing that strictly ever since, only to find the incognito browsing, that I now have stopped. Sp even though i of course could access porn easily by removing any systems, I don't see myself doing that.