Recovery stats?

What are the actual relapse rates and recovery stats for porn addiction? I googled it but couldn't find any solid info. I know it has a very low recovery rate but any numbers?
I know everyone is different but I like stats, im a numbers person so I'm just curious.



Well-Known Member
I think that regardless of success/failure rates your level of commitment to beating this addiction is the most important factor. While I think knowing the success/failure rates might be interesting, they might also prove to be disheartening if the recovery rate is very low.


Respected Member
I have always been curious about the recovery rate in particular to addict in relationships. I wonder if the rate of recovery is higher when they disclose to their partner vs those who choose to not tell their partner. These are interesting things to think about but I have no idea how someone would get that info.
aquarius25 said:
I have always been curious about the recovery rate in particular to addict in relationships. I wonder if the rate of recovery is higher when they disclose to their partner vs those who choose to not tell their partner. These are interesting things to think about but I have no idea how someone would get that info.

Thus is very true. I am a curious person and like stats and understanding things. Hmm


Active Member
As it would be interesting to truly know, it might be demotivating as well. You can check Reddit's 'PornFree' sub, they have some sort of challenges there. I've blocked Reddit a while ago because of their content, but if I'm correct they should have a monthly and yearly challenge with some data and all. Of course it's all made based on user input so the reliability can be questioned.

Of course everyone is different, especially how far they've allowed themselves to get lost in their addiction. Compared to many here my addiction was pretty mild, therefore I suppose breaking free has been quite a smooth process for me without relapses. I've also had a circle of people to help me, my wife, family, religious leader, psychotherapist and support groups like RebootNation and Porn Addicts Anonymous. The shame, guilt and isolation are factors that make searching for help like this really difficult. Even though such a large percentage of the population consumes porn, it's still seen as something perverted when trying to get help. Hopefully more people are able to search for help with those around them, that would surely increase the recovery rates :)


Respected Member
I also think gathering data like this would be difficult because there isn't really one set standard for "recovery" when it comes to porn and porn subs. Is isn't like "not taking a sip of alcohol". It is more difficult to measure something like this. Is it just not looking at actual porn? Does just looking at images of women in bathing suits count? It is all a slippery slope and the nebulous, I feel, not only makes it more difficult for good solid data but also more difficult to remove from your life as well. I think it is one of the things that makes this a very unique addiction. I would also be interested to see how many people with porn addiction have a more general addiction to technology as well. We don't know what effects all of this screen exposure will have on us long term but I would bet it's not all sunshine and roses, lol.



New Member
The recovery rate for porn/ sex addicts is approximately 5%. Lower than many other addictions. If you want to keep 'hoping', go at it.


Respected Member
Takes more than hope  a little hard work and putting some thought into it can get the job done


  Post often it helps me it helps you


Depends of what recovery means for you. If recovery is getting rid of PIED and having normal sexual life without porn then success rate is almost 100% for people who quit porn for good and never go back. For people who keep relapsing to porn regularly or from time to time success rate is almost 0.

Basically if you can get rid of porn addiction for good your ED will be cured once enough time has passed. If you can't break free from porn, you will suffer from it forever.


Evenheroesfall49 said:
What are the actual relapse rates and recovery stats for porn addiction? I googled it but couldn't find any solid info. I know it has a very low recovery rate but any numbers?
I know everyone is different but I like stats, im a numbers person so I'm just curious.


Oh boy.  The recovery rate is so low I'm sure.
Probably 1%
Its really not good. 
But some addicts will relapse after 50 days, 150 days, 2 years and so on.  Does that mean they are failures?
Not at all.  I would say they trying hard to be a better person.

Most porn addicts dont give a rats ass about recovery.
peter1717 said:
Evenheroesfall49 said:
What are the actual relapse rates and recovery stats for porn addiction? I googled it but couldn't find any solid info. I know it has a very low recovery rate but any numbers?
I know everyone is different but I like stats, im a numbers person so I'm just curious.


Oh boy.  The recovery rate is so low I'm sure.
Probably 1%
Its really not good. 
But some addicts will relapse after 50 days, 150 days, 2 years and so on.  Does that mean they are failures?
Not at all.  I would say they trying hard to be a better person.

Most porn addicts dont give a rats ass about recovery.
What do you mean by that last statement?

Virtually everyone I've come across on this forum, /r/nofap, and otherwise who has identified that they struggle with PMO genuinely seems to want to improve and use PMO less. I don't have any clue what you're talking about porn addicts not "giving a rat's ass" about recovery. I think a much more realistic and fair statement would be "most porn addicts don't know how truly damaging and addictive porn actually is".

Like others have said, it depends upon how recovery is defined. I also don't know where these figures are coming from, seems like they're being pulled out of thin air as far as I can tell. For example, let's take the guy who used PMO regularly from ages 15 to 30. He suddenly becomes aware of the damaging effects of porn (maybe he found and read Your Brain on Porn) and wants to quit. So after some ups and downs he accomplishes 90 days without PMO. He notices good effects and wants to continue, but over the course of the next year he uses PMO on average once per month. He's not really happy about this but it doesn't seem to negatively effect his ability to achieve and maintain his erection nor does it seem to have any substantial effects on himself or his relationships. Should this be considered as a "failure"?

I would argue, most certainly not. Because in all likelihood if this person is able to reduce usage from multiple times per week to once per month, that bodes quite well for the future and they may be able to reduce even more over time. I don't know what exactly separates the guys who can quit from the guys who struggle to go a day or two without it, but it seems like there are a couple different guys. Personally, I've used PMO fairly regularly since sometime in my teens (I'm early thirties now). Literally 3 weeks ago I stumbled across a "nofap" video on youtube and was subsequently lead to Your Brain on Porn, which I've now read twice. And now that I've learned how it's possible for porn to fuck your brain in so many ways, I have found it relatively "easy" to abstain for the past 25 days. I feel like this is something I can maintain for the foreseeable future, but time will tell.