Does Tinder cause ED?


New Member
Lets say someone is appropriately rebooted and he starts to use tinder everyday, can all the images, short videos and stimulation cause ED again?

Pete McVries

Active Member
it's sexual stimulation after all and swiping is not too different from watching a compilation or switching from video to video within a short period of time. I would strongly advise against these type of apps before, during and after a reboot. To be honest, if you have recovered from PIED successfully, the last thing you want to do is risk having this crippling experience again. It would be absolutely reckless and stupid. There are countless people who have reported PIED to have crept back in after slowly going back to porn or similar stuff.

Just don't. If you wanna meet girls, get off your screen and expose yourself to the real world. You know, it's weird but it has been reported by trustworthy sources that these women creatures can be found there ;)