Positive Replacement Activities



From what I studied, it seems to me the people with the most success in their recovery have replacement activities in place. I am curious to learn some of your replacement activities/hobbies during your recovery from PMO?

I would love to hear from people who successfully recovered and are still in the process like me.

Here are going to be mine:
- Workout
- Taking Walks
- Guided Meditation/HZ sounds for optimizing relaxation
- Reading Books/Audio Books
- Watching Positive Motivational Videos
- Spending time with friends/family
- Less use of technology and more real life activities
- Learning new skills for career

Thanks for reading, looking forward to learning about yours.


I've been thinking about NEW stuff to add into my routine so whenever I get bored I won't be led straight to feeling tempted.

My list:

- Do stuff I'm good at but rarely take time to do (playing the guitar and studying music).
- Focus on my workout routine.
- Taking walks at least 2-3 times a week.
- Being fully present whenever my family is gathered for a meal. No fone with me.
- Read random books (at least one every two months) to open my mind to stuff I didn't know before.
- To understand DEEPLY the effects of porn in my brain so I can be fully aware.
- Meditation.

I feel like "feeling bored" has led me to fall into porn over and over again so this time I'm focusing on doing my best with my time so my brain will start to feel pleasure with small things in life.
I want to enjoy doing these things with the same intensity I enjoy watching porn.

Re-conditioning my mind

This is my list so far.


youweine said:
I've been thinking about NEW stuff to add into my routine so whenever I get bored I won't be led straight to feeling tempted.

My list:

- Do stuff I'm good at but rarely take time to do (playing the guitar and studying music).
- Focus on my workout routine.
- Taking walks at least 2-3 times a week.
- Being fully present whenever my family is gathered for a meal. No fone with me.
- Read random books (at least one every two months) to open my mind to stuff I didn't know before.
- To understand DEEPLY the effects of porn in my brain so I can be fully aware.
- Meditation.

I feel like "feeling bored" has led me to fall into porn over and over again so this time I'm focusing on doing my best with my time so my brain will start to feel pleasure with small things in life.
I want to enjoy doing these things with the same intensity I enjoy watching porn.

Re-conditioning my mind

This is my list so far.

Exactly, part of this is replacing the urge with these good habits. Thanks for responding. Yeah the key I believe is to stay consistent with these habit to transmute our energy and focus into building our body up, raising dopamine natural with meditation and calmness/breathing, and filling our days productively.